About Us

We’re on a mission to empowering start-ups worldwide.

As dedicated specialists in providing digital services to life sciences brands, Biply Digital was established in 2021 by Owolabi Wealth Born from a vision to harness the latest in web and app technology, we’ve dedicated ourselves to advancing the digital capabilities of the healthcare, medical and pharmaceutical sectors.

We’ve helped over 998+ start-ups grow their business

Our Core Principles

Transparency, fairness, and a deep-rooted passion for our clients’ success define Genetic Digital. We stand for direct accountability, offering our clients open access to the minds behind their projects. This commitment builds a foundation of trust and flexibility, driving us to overcome challenges creatively and efficiently, often extending beyond conventional solutions to ensure optimal outcomes.

Exceed clients’ and colleagues’ expectations.
 Never settle for “good enough” when you know you can and should do better
Take ownership and question the status quo in a constructive manner.

 Trust your gut and your knowledge, even if you need to question your team leader or CEO.

Be brave, curious and experiment – learn from all successes and failures.
Take risks and make mistakes – that’s how we learn, and how we innovate.
Build an inclusive, transparent and socially responsible culture.

 Culture doesn’t happen by chance – we need to be proactive and work on it every day.

We believe that the human dimensions essential to start any successful project and that this is where splendid emotional relationships between the company and people are born.

Clients served


Growth rate

Our team

Shaping a vision, delivering software, creating world class experiences

John Baker

Managing Director

Maria Warden

Head of HR

Robert Fox

Accounting Director

Warren Chae

Head of Technology

Sarah Baker

Creative Director

Felix Kjellberg

Head of Operations

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